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The Show
FS Developer
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"Embrace change, for it is the only constant in life"
And let's be honest, where is that truer than coding? I started with basic HTML and CSS before switching to Bootstrap, Flexboxes, and animations. I began in vanilla JavaScript, then leveraged JQuery libraries before reverting back React. Then of course there were Express servers, the Node platform, SQL with ORM, Mongo with ODM, Ajax calls, Axios calls, and and so much more. Every day I code, I master something new, and that's not even including the soft skills that come with RESTFUL, Agile, and SCRUM.
Every day in brings change, and the ability to adapt is paramount. Fortunately, change is what I do. Always looking for a place to bring my analytical and logical acumen to bear, I explored different fields to find the perfect fit. Starting at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration, I graduated and headed to the University of Pennsylvania for law school. Two years as a civil litigator then saw a transition into education before, finally, I discovered the wonderful world of coding.
I've changed a lot through the years. That's good. By constantly changing, I got unique and varied opportunities to polish my skills, skills that I can now bring fully to bear as a full-stack web developer. And of course, since I'm so familiar with change, I can adapt and evolve alongside every innovation the field has to offer. Like me, code is constantly changing to reach newer and better heights.
And that's a very good thing indeed.